"Flynn cements her place among that elite group of mystery/thriller writers who unfailingly deliver the goods.Once again Flynn has written an intelligent, gripping tour de force, mixing a riveting plot and psychological intrigue with a compelling prose style that unobtrusively yet forcefully carries the reader from page to page." -"Library Journal "(starred review) Considering how compulsively I kept coming back for more, I am seriously thinking of going back to page onerĢ. "Just this minute I finished a week of feeling betrayed, misled, manipulated, provoked, and misjudged, not to mention having all my expectations confounded. It's a love story wrapped in a mystery that asks the eternal question of all good relationships gone bad: How did we get from there to here?" -Adam Ross, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Mr.
"Gillian Flynn's "Gone Girl" is like "Scenes from a Marriage" remade by Alfred Hitchcock, an elaborate trap that's always surprising and full of characters who are entirely recognizable. But Flynn takes this sturdy trope of the 24-hour news cycle and turns it inside out, providing a devastating portrait of a marriage and a timely, cautionary tale about an age in which everyone's dreams seem to be imploding." -Laura Lippman, "New York Times" bestselling author of "The Most Dangerous Thing" and "I'd Know You Anywhere" We all know the story, right? Beautiful wife disappears husband doesn't seem as distraught as he should be under the circumstances. ""Gone Girl" builds on the extraordinary achievements of Gillian Flynn's first two books and delivers the reader into the claustrophobic world of a failing marriage. Brilliant." -Kate Atkinson, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Started Early, Took My Dog" and "Case Histories" I have no doubt that in a year's time I'm going to be saying that this is my favorite novel of 2012. This is a wonderful and terrifying book about how the happy surface normality and the underlying darkness can become too closely interwoven to separate." -Tana French, "New York Times" bestselling author of "Faithful Place "and "Into the Woods" Nick and Amy manipulate each other -with savage, merciless and often darkly witty dexterity. ""Gone Girl" is one of the best -and most frightening -portraits of psychopathy I've ever read. Pero sobre todo, es la historia de amor de dos personas perdidamente enamoradas."ġ. Una radiografia completamente actual de los medios de comunicacion y su capacidad para modelar la opinion publica.

Perdida es tambien una novela sobre el lado mas oscuro del matrimonio, sobre los enganos, las decepciones, la obsesion, el miedo. Un thriller psicologico brillante con una trama tan apasionante y giros tan inesperados que es absolutamente imposible parar de leer. Perdida arranca como todo buen thriller que se precie: una mujer desaparecida, una investigacion policial. Es cierto que se muestra extranamente evasivo y frio, pero es un asesino? Sin embargo, Nick insiste en su inocencia. A medida que la investigacion policial avanza, las sospechas recaen sobre Nick.

Pero Amy desaparece esa misma manana sin dejar rastro. When his wife disappears on their anniversary, Nick starts having cringe-worthy daydreams and becomes oddly evasive, eschewing his golden boy past.Įn un caluroso dia de verano, Amy y Nick se disponen a celebrar su quinto aniversario de bodas en North Carthage, a orillas del rio Mississippi. Flynn's toxic mix of sharp-edged wit with deliciously chilling prose creates a nerve-fraying thriller that confounds readers at every turn.